Drawing Sheet 4-F

Figure Content:

The Temptation of St. Anthony

Sheet Location 4 F

Physical Description




22.5 x 17.0 cm

Cut edge:

Right edge

Paper type:

Ivory wove paper, discolored to tan


Difficult to assess due to losses in the support along top edge, possibly lower right corner


    Additional notes:


Sewing holes:

Possibly at right edge, 14.3 cm from top edge

Edges overlapping adj. sheet:

Left, bottom, right (slight at top)

Edges extending below adj. sheet:

Top (at left corner; right corner exhibits gap between sheets)

Edges abutting adj. sheet:

Right (slight overlap at top right edge)





Possibly used overall, most notably in the figures along the left side, in the architecture and in face in LRC (further differentiate between graphite and light black pencil)


Colored pencil:

Black pencil is used to work out some areas of the composition; a very dark pencil/crayon is used to work over detailed graphite drawing (black and blue pencil) to define general areas; black pencil applied prior to laying down color media



Blue pencil applied upper right in the waves; and in the (military?) figure’s coats in LRC


Yellow pencil applied in the center bottom area in the flames



Green pencil applied in the monstrous figure at LLC and bottom center in figure’s clothing; extends blow join at LLC



Red pencil, lightly applied delineating cloud in URC (as in 3G); in ship mast and sails at upper right; and possibly in figure at ULC



Purplish-blue pencil in (religious?) figure’s robe at center left



Additions of charcoal appear to have been used to shade areas in the center, in the snake; two figures at the center and upper center, left side; and in the URC in the clouds. These areas appear smudged



Possibly in face at upper left side

Additional media notes:

Touches of black chalk appear to have been used as well to outline some figures, most notably LLC; these lines appear slightly more ‘powdery’ than the black pencil lines


Unidentified transparent faint yellow media in lower right quadrant in figure’s hats and drums (similar to that in4B and 4D)



Technical Notes



Drawing to sheet edges:

All edges

Drawing into adjacent sheet:

Composition relates very closely to 4G in many areas; clouds in URC, as well as ship and land mass in center extend across sheet edges


Figure groupings in graphite along left side extend uninterrupted into 4E; this area may have been conceived at once


Clouds in URC extend above into 3F


Compositional changes/additions:

Clouds in the URC could be a later, as the black pencil appears to have been applied over the blue pencil as a addition (difficult to assess as the media is smudged together)


The gargoyle (?) in the URC is drawn over the architectural arch in a lighter pencil and then strengthened later along some lines (over black and blue pencil) in a dark/dense black pencil (similar to 4G, LLC)

Artist’s patches:

Former restoration:

Drawing on verso:

Additional observations:

Though there is a slight gap between joined edges of 4F and 4G (in part due to edge loss), the sheets closely correspond in composition, media and drawn lines extend across sheets in some areas (clouds at top, ship and land mass in center)










Document 3 different mediums

Ultra-violet radiation:



Infrared radiation:


Improve legibility of faintly drawn lines

Raman Spectroscopy:



X-Ray diffraction:

Transparent yellow media LRC



Aspect Ratio: 1